Saturday, November 10, 2007

The glory of Saturday shifts

Nothing is more wonderful than awaking to a phone call from a manager who is in the middle of a panic attack....

Manager-"Ummm... hi.... can you come in early? We are on a two hour wait and there are only two day servers on."

me- (in my head) fuck no I'm still sleeping (in reality) "yeah I'll be there in an hour... let me jump in the shower."

So I know right off the bat that this is gonna be one of those Saturday's.

As I walk in, I head to the computer to clock in and the kitchen manager hands me a notepad with four orders on it... tells me the drinks have already gotten to the table but the food hasn't been rung in yet.

I say ... um hi.... what table numbers?
Can I put my uniform on and clock in first?
Who the fuck is managing? Because they need to be fired.

All in all it was pretty hectic.... I had an entire floor with 12 tabs to myself... which was kinda fun cause I'm always telling them I could run that place by myself. I made about 150 in two hours. So really, I cant complain.

To the managers. I know you have 80 million other things to do, but honestly when I tell you at 6 p.m. that we are running out of printer paper... you should probably listen. I am only trying to prevent what happened. Around 9 p.m. (the height of our rush) one of my co-workers decides to run a credit card... alas no printer paper. I try to tell people but they just don't listen.

As far as the customers go...
If you are having a child's birthday... and the area you are in smells like poop.... Its probably one of your kids. Change that smelly ass diaper. Secondly, when you do decide to change that diaper... please do it in the bathroom and not in the plain view of other people trying to enjoy their food. I know that in your eyes that child is precious and perfect... but to me... it just looks like an ass covered in shit... keep it private.

tip of the day: Management- rent a brain, customers- poopy diapers stay in the bathroom.