Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Importance of Please and Thank You

People... listen.

I am a waitress. This also makes me a human being. If you do not want shitty service here is a clue. Saying please and thank you will catch my attention. I understand (for the most part) that there are a lot of people who really don't know that we don't get paychecks or how to tip for that matter. Not exactly their fault.

However.... The lesson of please and thank you is a lesson taught from very early on by most civil people. Learn it, live it, love it. because otherwise i will ignore your stupid ass.

Next on the agenda.....

Fellow co-workers ditching out on side work.... you suck.
Is it really that hard to grab a few fucking sugar packets and fill the god damn sugar caddies? And really.... I'm not into rolling silverware for you. We all know (servers that is) that rolling silverware is the shit end of our job... so please spare me the pleasure of doing your shit work.

And lastly...

Managers.... I know that you do nothing in that office all night. When i am in the weeds and you decide to come out to the FOH (front of the house).... please do not bother me with stupid shit about seating numbers or soda refills. If it bothers you that much... please feel free to HELP rather than ridicule... that is a part of your job.
If i am clearly running my ass off and about to dive head first into the weeds, it does nothing more than piss me off to watch you eat your free meal at the bar. 1. why don't i get a free meal?, 2. why cant i sit at the bar and eat, 3. Where in the hell do you find the time to sit and relax and eat... because as a server i definitely have to eat a chicken finger while doing a roll up with one hand and filling a soda glass with the other. That's fucking multi-tasking bitches.

ahhhh love it

tip of the day: Please and thank you people. enough said.

1 comment:

Michael, CEO FohBoh said...

Love this blog! You should join and start a blog there...then you would get worldwide attention.