Thursday, November 29, 2007

why are people so stupid?

omg seriously....

my first shift back after my little break was hell. not only did i have a giant kids party take up my section, but they barely ordered anything and sat there for like two hours. ouch.

the only table i had worth anything was a complete pain in the ass to wait on. we want appetizers... no wait we want it all together... no wait... what are your specials

no wait.... quit being an ass hole.

the only good part of my night..... i was spared from the hellish private event taking place on the other floor. has anyone ever encountered the event planner from hell? well multiply that by one million and that was the event planner running the event. Event planners need to remember that the service staff is there to help you get your event done right. if you yell at us profusely and then continue to rant to our management staff about things that are out of our hands... we are going to be less inclined to help you. get over yourself and your job title.... you are not the fucking pope.

tip of the day: if you are an event planner and you yell at me... i will make it my personal goal to make your event suck.

1 comment:

Sandra O. said...

I have to say your blog is very entertaining, and not to mention, honest. I'm a waitress myself, unfortunately. I can totally relate to your posts and I mainly appreciate your "tip of the day" portion of your blog. It's been a while since your last post, I know you havn't ran out of stories, they seem to be never ending.