Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Let the bitching begin


for the very first blog on this site...

I am returning from work this evening after waiting on a bunch of people who are "in the industry". One of the reasons I agreed to work the event was the fact that these people know what it is that I go through every shift and maybe they will be a little more sympathetic. Yes well.... I assumed wrong.

Apparently, spilling drinks, not tipping, and dancing on furniture is totally appropriate in all settings. Ass holes.

Let me tell you something.... it is nights like this that really make me wonder about the good in people. Does it even exist? My guess is no.

When people enter a dining establishment, they seem to loose all sense of courtesy to those who feed them, get them drunk, and clean up after them. As far as I am concerned.... you should treat us that way you would treat your mother or father. Alas.... no one ever does.

I shouldn't say nobody... there are a few surprises every night. The one tip that balances out all the people who don't tip, the table who realizes that its much better to order everything at once. But really, those few good tables rarely erase the bitterness instilled by the ass holes previously encountered.

I used to be a nice girl. A sweet girl in fact. And i fear that waitressing has all but erased that girl i used to be. I now officially hate people. Thanks waitressing! I can't wait to quit :)

tip of the day: If you attend an open bar event.... tip the server or bartender first. We will pay more attention to you throughout the night and it will prevent not tipping when you get to wasted.

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